The Rensselaer Technology Park welcomed its first tenant in March 1983.
The Town of North Greenbush main offices and Court House are located at 2 Douglas Street in Wynantskill, New York. The offices provide the centralized coordination of all the activities, facilities and services provided by the town.
The Town Offices are open for business on Mondays to Fridays from 8:00am to 4:00pm except on major holidays. The main phone and fax numbers are 518‑283‑5313 and 518‑283‑5345 respectively.
As always, if you have any questions please feel free to give us a call at the number above. We are happy to help.
Determine and maintain assessments, property inventory records, ownership and exemptions on parcels in the town. Locate all taxable Real Property in our town and identify the ownership of each. Establish a taxable value for all Real Property subject to taxation. List the values of all property on the Assessment Roll. Assist taxpayers with completing their exemption applications and determine their eligibility. Examples: Senior Citizen, Alternative Veteran, Disability, Business, Clergy, Agricultural, Non-Profit, etc. The last day for filing all exemption applications for any given year is March 1st.
Enforcing the building codes of New York State and the Code of the Town of North Greenbush, which includes the Zoning Law, the Sign Law, and Subdivision Regulations. Oversight and enforcement of approved subdivision and site plan stipulations. Issuing permits for new construction, alterations, demolition, signs, swimming pools, decks, sheds, reroofs and resides, and heat-producing non-electric appliances, such as fireplaces, furnaces, and water heaters. Performing permit-related inspections to insure compliance with all applicable codes and laws. Issuing Certificates of Occupancy after successful completion of building permits. Investigating issues of public safety, health and zoning and striving to address concerns and resolve disputes in a thorough and professional manner. Working closely with the Supervisor’s office, the Planning Board, the Environmental Specialist, the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Town Attorney, and local fire departments to achieve our goals.
The Comptroller’s office prepares monthly abstract of claims of goods purchased or services provided to the Town. Claims for payment submitted to the Town will first be approved by the Comptroller. Within three to five days of approval, the checks will be processed and subsequently signed by both the Supervisor and Comptroller for distribution.
The Comptroller’s Office staff maintains the Town’s financial accounting records, provides assistance to the Town’s independent auditor concerning the annual financial audit and single audit, provides assistance to representatives of the Office of the New York State Comptroller with audits and financial statement representations and prepares periodic reports to state and federal agencies, town officials, financial institutions, and residents. From time to time, the Comptroller also has a role in the FOIL process.
In addition to the above referenced financial responsibilities, this office also functions as a Human Resources center. Included in this are personnel functions, records maintenance, civil service activities, and employee health insurance enrollment and processing.
The North Greenbush Town Court handles criminal matters, traffic infractions, small claims (up to $3,000), civil matters, town ordinance violations, environmental conservation, agriculture and market laws, and evictions. Town Justices also perform wedding ceremonies. To request wedding arrangements, please contact the Court Office.
New York State law now requires that all dogs four months of age or older are to be licensed and that license be renewed yearly. The law also requires that the dog’s license tag be firmly attached to the dog’s collar and be worn at all times. Failure to comply with these laws could result in tickets being issued. In order for the dog to be licensed they have to have their rabies vaccination.
The North Greenbush Highway Committee will meet the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Town Garage located at 1 Town Garage Road or the Town of North Greenbush Town Offices, 2 Douglas St, Wynantskill, weather permitting. The public is encouraged to attend.
To preserve, collect and disseminate local historical information and to foster an interest and appreciation of our town’s history by the public.
The Receiver of Taxes collects Town, County, and relieved school taxes. Property taxes are collected from January 1st until March 31st. After March 31st, taxes must be paid to the Rensselaer County Bureau of Finance in Troy.
The duties of the Stormwater Department shall include the promotion and enforcement the Town’s Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMP or Plan). The Town’s SWMP is based on NYS SPDES General Permit GP 0-15-003, which requires MS4 owners and operators to develop a Stormwater Management Program Plan to address sources of potential stormwater pollution from residential and municipal activities as well as municipal facilities. There are six program elements associated with the General Permit that are designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable through the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs).
The Supervisor’s responsibilities, among other things, include overseeing the daily operations of the Town, preparing the budget, liaison with other governmental and community agencies, supervising staff, keeping the public informed of activities of the Board and Departments.
The Supervisor is a voting member of the Town Board and chairs its meetings along with public hearings and public information sessions. He is also expected to provide information and follow through on resolutions and mandates considered and passed by the Board.
The Town Clerk is the: Registrar of Vital Statistics, Filing Officer for the Town, Permit Issuing Agent, Recording Secretary to the Town Board, Election Coordinator and Cash Control Officer.
In the case of an emergency for water or sewer after 4:00 pm, please call the North Greenbush Police Dept. at: 518-283-6006.