We are pleased to announce that the Town of North Greenbush Town Hall will reopen on Tuesday, June 1, 2021 to the public for in-person traffic. A sincere thank you to our residents and others who do business with the town, as well as town employees, for following the necessary COVID-19 health and safety protocols while we were closed. The re-opening plan for Town Offices has been designed to be consistent and safe for visitors and employees and requires the use of “best practices” to maximize safety while minimizing the risk of spread of COVID-19.
When will the Town Hall be Open for In-person business? Beginning on June 1, 2021 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday thru Friday, except Holidays. Whenever possible, we request you call ahead to schedule an appointment by calling 518-283-3525 and then listen for the department extension number to dial. For those who may need to drop off water bill payments or other information you can continue to use the Town “Drop Box” that is located at the Town Library Entrance at the corner of Main Avenue and Douglas Street.
What Safety Precautions do I need to follow? Face masks and social distancing is required for anyone who is not fully vaccinated when entering Town Facilities. A sign-in sheet is provided upon entry at the sanitizing station. All visitors must sign in.
Will I be able to attend Town Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board Public Meetings? Yes, you will be able to attend all official town public meetings and will follow the same safety precautions listed above. You can also live stream any of these meetings from this link: https://townhallstreams.com/towns/northgreenbush or from the town website townofng.com.
Can I use the Town Playground areas behind Town Hall? Yes, following the same safety precautions listed above.
NOTE: This Re-Opening Plan may be amended as necessary.